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"Coffee - because crack is bad for you" Set of 2 Mugs

$12.99 — Notify me when the price drops You will be notified when the price drops

Did you know that back in the 19th century surgeons used cocaine for anaesthesia? And that cocaine addiction was treated with... heroin? History is fun that way.

Since then we realized they're both bad for human consumption, but we have a much better option to turn to when we need energy: COFFEE! Bonus: it tastes absolutely delicious, the nectar of gods.

This set of 2 mugs printed with "Coffee: because crack is bad for you" is perfect for a couple who would only give up coffee if pried from their dead cold hands. Also an excellent gift for two coffee-loving coworkers (or you and a coworker friend).

It goes great with Death Wish Coffee, the strongest coffee in the world!

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